Installation guides


Here you will find everything you need to know to successfully complete your own mosaic project – from preparing the surface, to cutting and laying the mosaics, to cleaning and maintenance. Our detailed instructions and tips are available in many European languages, so you can be sure you're getting the information you need to make your custom mosaic ideas a reality. Whether you're a DIY beginner or an experienced do-it-yourselfer, we're happy to help you bring your ideas to life.

Installation instructions 1 (PDF) Installation instructions 2 (PDF)

Installation video

Also feel free to use our installation video, which will give you practical tips on how to install mosaic.

Mosaic Installation video

Mosaic installation video for DIY ínstallation at home. Always use the appropriate construction chemicals (adhesive & joint) for the material. Find out more about this from the manufacturers of the respective construction chemical products.

Tile installation video

Tile installation video for DIY insatállation at home. Always use the appropriate construction chemicals (adhesive & joint) for the material. Find out more about this from the manufacturers of the respective construction chemical products.