Ceramic unglazed Ceramic unglazed Ceramic unglazed Ceramic unglazed

Unglazed ceramic mosaic

Unglazed ceramic mosaic is a wall & floor covering solution that consists of small unglazed ceramic tiles arranged together to form a mosaic pattern. Unlike glazed ceramic mosaic, which is covered with a protective layer, unglazed mosaic retains its natural texture and color and is also known as through-and-through material because it is colored throughout. Due to this, glossy finishes are not technically possible.

This type of mosaic offers a variety of advantages. For example, unglazed ceramic mosaic is very durable and resistant to wear and scratches. It is also highly resistant to water and moisture, making it an excellent choice for wet areas.

In addition, unglazed ceramic mosaic offers a natural, organic aesthetic that goes well with many different design styles. There are many different colors and textures to choose from, making it easy to find a mosaic that fits individual design preferences.

Overall, unglazed ceramic mosaic is a durable and versatile solution that can be used in a variety of settings, from living rooms, bathrooms and kitchens to commercial areas and public buildings. Due to the absence of a glaze, our unglazed mosaics are also automatically slip-resistant to some degree due to their dull open-pored texture.

  • PEI 1
  • PEI 4
  • Permanent wet area
  • Frost resistance
  • Wet areas
  • Surefootness
  • Splash water area
  • Outdoor
  • Floor
  • Indoor
  • Wall
  • Hexagon
  • Penny
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • beige
  • brown
  • multicolored mix
  • creme
  • grey
  • black
  • white
reset filters
    Sheet 261x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 306x306 mm
    Stone 48x48x6 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 97x97x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 97x97x6 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 260x300 mm
    Stone 23x26x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 260x300 mm
    Stone 23x26x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 260x300 mm
    Stone 23x26x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 315x294 mm
    Stone d = 19 x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 315x294 mm
    Stone d = 19 x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 315x294 mm
    Stone d = 19 x5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 47x47x6 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 261x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 97x97x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 97x97x6 mm
    Sheet 298x298 mm
    Stone 97x97x6 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Sheet 326x300 mm
    Stone 25x25x5,2 mm
    Sheet 297x290 mm
    Stone 21,9x72,8x6,5 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 260x300 mm
    Stone 23x26x5 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 271x281 mm
    Stone 51x58x6 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 310x315 mm
    Stone D19x5,2 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 330x302 mm
    Stone 25x25x6 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 300x300 mm
    Stone 22x72x6 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 260x300 mm
    Stone 23x26x5 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 271x281 mm
    Stone 51x58x6 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 310x315 mm
    Stone D19x5,2 mm
    Series Salt
    Sheet 300x300 mm
    Stone 22x72x6 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
    Series Hexa Penny
    Sheet 325x281 mm
    Stone 51x59x5 mm
      Abrieb 1 PEI 1 Is intended for low stressed floors, primarily stepped on bare feet. Like the masters bathroom.
      Abrieb 2 PEI 2 Is intended for low stressed floors, primarily stepped by slippers. Like private living rooms.
      Abrieb 3 PEI 3 Is for normal stressed floors which can be also stepped by normal shoes. Like the floor or the living room.
      Abrieb 4 PEI 4 Is for heavily used and highly frequented living or business rooms.
      Dauernassbereich Permanent wet area All areas, which a heavily exposed and also submerged in water. For example shower floors or pools. Ceramic mesh mounted mosaics can only be installed in pools when installed correctly (e.g. all areas with Epoxy glue).
      Frostbeständig Frost resistance Mosaics with this pictogram are frost resistant and for outdoor areas.
      Nassbereich Wet areas All mosaic areas which are temporary exposed by a higher amount of water. For example tiled shower walls.
      Rutschhemmung Surefootness Mosaics with the surefootness symbol marked with with R9 or R10 and/or with the letters A,B,C.
      Spritzwasserbereich Splash water area All mosaic areas, which are sometimes exposed by very small amounts of water. For example the backsplash in the kitchen or behind the sink.

      Ceramic unglazed series